80's Music

Friday, September 7, 2012

I Got What You've Been Missing - Love Songs, Warm Bread & Chocolate…. Banana - Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding With Grenache

Banana Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding w/ Grenache

Have you ever had a taste for something special? You know, you just can't put your finger quite on it but you know there is something that is missing and you just keep on searching all day long just to fill that void. Sometimes it's a steak and other times it's as simple as a cup of hot cocoa but be it simple or complex, your soul just doesn't seem to settle until you figure out just what that "something" is!

I have ups and downs when it comes to sweets but there are a few things that I will walk to the edges of earth for. The combination of bread, chocolate, butter and bananas gets me every time.

Pudding in general, is awesome when its' made from scratch, especially if you pour warm chocolate pudding over vanilla ice cream!  Thank you, Jim Whatley (my first chef I worked for) for that discovery. Bread Pudding however, is a whole other level of Decadence.  I introduced Jim to you guys before, he's the Chef with the Pineapple Bread Pudding to die for. I'm no fool mind you, I couldn't do justice to that dish so I'll let him share that with you but trust me it's incredible. What I chose to do is jump out and try my own thing and trust me it is that something special that you have been looking for, sweet serenity....

On the menu today - Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Pudding with Grenache 

It's not often that I make dessert of any sort but when I do bread pudding is among my favorites. While I love to cook, baking just doesn't move me in the same way that the rest of it does. Pastry Chefs are incredible and I admire the detail that goes into everything that they do but it's just not for me.

Bread pudding is one of those things that I love to make and when it's done right, there's no better way to end a meal. I also took the liberty of adding songs that will put you in that loving state of mind so be sure to check it out.........

For the Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Pudding we will need:

  • Bitter Sweet Chocolate Chips (2 cups)
  • Bananas (2 each)
  • Challah Bread (1 loaf)
  • White Sugar (2 cups)
  • Eggs (3 each)
  • Heavy Cream (2 cups)
  • Butter (1/4 cup)

Cut the bread into cubes and bake in an oven at 350 for 5 minutes or until the bread is toasted. Mix the heavy cream and sugar with the eggs and pour over the toasted bread in a bowl. add in the sliced bananas and chocolate chips and stir to incorporate. Transfer to a baking dish and place in and oven at 325 for 50 minutes or until done. Once done the mixture should be slightly gooey and toasted on the top.

Make the Grenache by adding equal parts heavy cream and chocolate chips and placing on low heat until the mixture thickens. Pour directly over the bread pudding before serving. 

Grenache - 
  • Chocolate Chips (1/2 cup)
  • Heavy Cream (1/2 cup)

Banana Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding

Gooey Goodness 

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