80's Music

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Not Your Grandma's Grits... Saffron-Cheese Grits, Scallops, Rapini & Heirloom Cherry Tomatoes

No disrespect to your Granny and her grits but this is not that type of party. Honestly speaking, we all have a GrandMa that can throw down in the kitchen so I say that opening statement "tongue in cheek" only. In fact my GrandMa would have probably told me to kick rocks in updating a classic but eventually she would have tried them and loved them. Not saying she'd make them, but she'd certainly have me do them for her from time to time. In this application I wanted to pull them away from breakfast, add a bit of sultriness and see what came of it all. What I found was a treasure in deed. 

On The Menu

On The Menu Today: Saffron-Cheese Grits, Rapini, Heirloom Tomatoes & Seared Scallops.. 

Chicken Demi 
Prep Time: N/A
Cooking Time: 20 Minutes
Stove Temp: High then Simmer.  

Ingredients: 1 tsp Rice Vinegar, 2 Tbs Rice Wine, 16 oz Chicken Stock
1 Bay Leaf 
Process : Add bay leaf to the chicken stock and bring to a rolling boil.
Once reduced by 3/4 remove the bay leaf and add the wine & vinegar.
Reduce by half once again to make a thick Demi Glaze. 
Chicken Demi Glaze 
Saffron Cheese Grits  
Prep Time: N/A 

Cooking Time: 9-12 Minutes

Stove Temp: High then Simmer covered. 

Ingredients: 1/2 Cup Grits, 1 Pinch Saffron & 2 & 1/4 Cup Chicken Stock
& 4 0z Mascarpone Cheese. 
Process: Place the stock and saffron in a soup pot and bring to a boil.
Add the grits, reduce heat, cover, stir occasionally and cook for 9
to 12 minutes. Fold the Mascarpone cheese into the grits and add
salt and pepper to taste.   
Prep Time: 10 Minutes

Cooking Time: 7 Minutes

Stove Temp: High then Simmer 

Ingredients: Broccoli Rapini 1 Bunch, 10 Heirloom Cherry Tomatoes,
2 Cobs of Corn, 4 Cups of Water, 4 Tbs Salt, 2 Tbs Sugar, 1 Clove
of Garlic & 2 Tbs Olive Oil. 
Process: Start of by bring the water, sugar and salt to a boil. Next add the Rapini
and Corn (off the cob) for 2 minutes. Remove and place directly in ice water,
allowing to cool down for 5 minutes. Mince the garlic and add the oil to a
saute pan set on high. Lightly saute the vegetables including
the tomatoes, season and set aside for plating. 
Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Cooking Time: 3-6 Minutes

Stove Temp: High

Ingredients : 2-3 Scallops PP, 1 Lime, 1 Tbs Olive Oil, 1 Tbs Butter,
Salt & Pepper to taste
Process: Add the Lime juice to the olive oil and marinate for 5-15
minutes. Pat dry with a paper towel, liberally season with salt &
pepper. Add the butter to a hot saute pan and  gently place the
scallops down in the pan. Allow the scallop to sear on one side for 3
minutes and then place scallops on the other side to cook for
an additional 2-3 minutes. 
Seared Scallop 
Plating : Add 3 dollops of Grits down on a plate and then add the
scallops on top of them. arrange the rapini around the scallops &
sprinkle the corn around the plate, adding the cherry tomatoes
and finally the heated demi glaze on top of the scallops.
Garnish with micro greens. 

Scallops On Saffron-Cheese Grits with Rapini & Heirloom Tomatoes

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