80's Music

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Travel Series... Oktoberfest 2011 Munich, Germany. Time for my big boy draws.......

OktoberFest 2011
In the spirit of the season and because I'm not cooking until my next R&R I have decided to share my trip to Munich Germany for Oktoberfest 2011 with you. I hope that you enjoy it enough to decide on this as an excursion for you and some friends or family.

For as far back as I can remember I dreamed about going to Oktoberfest. Am I a beer drinker? Undoubtably I am! Do I love the outfits of the bar maidens (St. Pauli Girls)? Unashamedly I do! Do I consider Germany to be a player on the culinary map of Good Eats? Unabashedly I know that it is! But I must say that the driving force behind this "Bucket List"venture for me was my desire to take in German culture (and of course to have a tankard of beer, a plate of Crispy Roasted Pork Shank and have these brought to me by that aforementioned St. Pauli Girl.....

About That Beer
Crispy Skin Pork Shank w/ Boiled Potato
About That St. Pauli Girl Crew...
I was in Dubai at the time that I decided to fulfill the dream of mine and it was with much deliberation before I finally was given the courage to go it alone by my X. When I arrived at Munich International Airport it was about 10:00 p.m. Keitha (my X) was kind enough to do research for me and had plotted out the route on the train system that seemed easy enough to follow so I figured I'd try. When I went through customs suddenly it hit me, I was all alone and the train system by myself seemed a bit , umm shall I say too daring for me. Funny that I had just survived 3 years all over Iraq and here I am scared to take a train in Munich??? Go figure.... Needless to say I hired a taxi. About those taxis, man I forgot that Mercedes Benz is German... All of the cabs in Munich were Benz's and I seemed to get one with all of the bells and whistles including seats with a massaging unit built in and my driver actually gave me a welcome to Munich beer... Talk about smitten..... The ride was about 45 minutes through the country side and city blocks before making it to my hotel room. Finally there, I unpacked and got my bearings together before grabbing a late night meal at a local pub. What happened next was both funny and a reoccurring theme for my stay for the entire time. I walked in and the place was empty so I chose an area of the bar that would allow for the best vantage point for people watching. The only problem was it was an area that was meant for about 15 people. After wolfing down a Shawarma  (Munich is flowered with these Middle Eastern gold mines. OMG Good Freakin' Eats) I had nothing better to do so I ordered a tankard of beer.

XXXXX Not Your American Brewed Beer XXXXX
RELATED STORY TIME: I called my brother Bernard to tell him that I was in Germany. He was stationed in Italy and Germany while in the Air Force years ago and shared this story with me. When he first arrived to Germany he went to a pub. Upon bellying up to the bar and being the impatient drinker that all Crawford's tend to be, he immediately asked for 3 beers. The bartender, being responsible, asked him if anyone was joining him. Bernard then said no but relayed to him that he just didn't want to wait for service with the bar being so busy. The barhop then assured him that he would just get them to him as he needed them but Bernard insisted so the bartender shared this advice, "This is how this will go for you!" "You will drink the first one, spill half of the second one and walk the fuch away from the last one!"  Bernard laughed and told him to "Just serve me my 3 damn beers!" He stopped the story there and changed the subject and gave me places that he thought I'd like to see and then we talked about the German women during Oktoberfest (different blog). We were just about to hang up when I asked him; "So what the hell happened?" He laughed and said I drank the first one, spilled half of the second one because I was drunk as shit and stumbled the fuch away from the last one!" "Man those damn Germans drink Malt Liquor!" We fell out laughing and away I went to one up him. (It didn't turn out well for me either, this is not your weak ass American brewed beer)

Let It Be Lowenbrau
Back to the first night and the pub: As I was sitting there people watching about 20 Swede's came in and of course needed the table that I was occupying. Not wanting to make a scene I simply got up and moved to a nearby table so they could stay together. As I moved two of the gents asked me where I was from so I told them America, Washington D.C. and went to take my seat. This group would have none of that and made me come back to sit with the group and drink as much as we could. An hour or so later I stood up ready to head back to my room. I was quickly told that we had several more bars to hit and that I was their guest of honor so I put on my big boy pants and tagged along. Let's just say I got back to my room at 6:00 a.m. still drunk with a headache from laughing all night long. Those guys were the perfect welcome. What was even better and more touching is that they wouldn't let me spend a dime of my money, I'd swear that we spent 5 K that night. 

More Beer
Note to Oktoberfest Travelers: When choosing your hotel be sure you know where you are staying and what you are there to do. I was there to drink and eat but mostly drink. I chose a hotel that had everything I needed. It had a full kitchen and a full bar, I'd gladly stay there again. The thing was when drinking on the eve of the start of Oktoberfest, until the wee hours of the morning; it might be wise to find a room that doesn't face the parade route.... Talk about racket! Here  am still drunk and all I can hear is horns, the clopping of horse hooves and crowds of people gathering outside my damn window. I did what anyone else would have done, I woke the hell up, downed a beer for breakfast, opened my window and joined the fray. When In Munich do as the Romans do...........

Later that day I decided to actually go to the Festival to see what all of the fuss was all about. I wasn't surprised as there were thousands of folks there and plenty to do. Rides, Food and of course BEER...
As the picture below will show you I was a novelty act for a few hours as the only African American there. I was told later that only tourists and newbies dared make it to the opening week let alone opening day. I didn't care, I was welcomed by all that I met. I went to huge beer houses and in each you sit family style. Everywhere I went, a family would insist that I was seated with them. They were so proud and eager to tell me their take on the Fest and all that I was eating or drinking. I've never been so welcomed in my life. Great times......

Beer House
Novelty Act (Notice the 2nd camera man) 

It is a Festival after all.
On day 2 I decided to walk around the city. Of course I could have taken a cab but I assure you the best way to get the true pulse of a city is to get up close and personal with the people of the city and what better way to do that than to walk. Walking leads you to adventure after adventure. I'd walk towards a huge statue or maybe even a beautiful building and as I was getting closer I see something else in the distance that called my name so I'd walk to it instead. I was absolutely going with the flow. I remember asking a couple if they could suggest great food and sites. Their answer was simple but profound; they said walk and take it all in... What seemed like a blow off turned out to be the theme of the rest of my time there and great freakin' advice! I did the most random things, took the most random pictures and went to places that I wouldn't normally frequent and it opened an entirely different world for travel.

On my 3rd day I decided to head to the oldest beer house in Munich, Hofbrauhaus. This place is always busy, the food is great, the family atmosphere is inviting and the beer is flowing and potent. It
also happens to be in an area that has awesome shops and other things to do. I drank, ate, shopped, met people and swapped stories.

Secret Garden
The rest of my time at Oktoberfest consisted of much of the same. I walked, met folks, drank, ate and did everything you can think of. When I go again I will definitely go with a friend or two just so I have someone to compare stories with. I will also throw myself in the wind without caution to let the mood take me were it will, I'm a big boy now I can handle it right????


  1. The BEST thing about seeing your pics on FB is knowing that soon, I will be reading the stories behind your latest adventure right here...on the Parsimonious Chef blog.....thank you for sharing your story.

  2. Thank you Carolyn. Next up Thailand..... Fun, fun, fun...

  3. I love this post. I was transported to your trip. Reminds me of the time I went to Amsterdam best people EVER...and then there was the time I traveled to Glastonbury and we got lost in the woods looking for an ancient monument and met the most amazing people. Your post reminded me how great it is to travel and allow yourself to dive into the culture and experience every taste and sound. I'm now itching to plan my next over seas trip. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Julie, I am so lame for taking this long to reply to your comment but as you know I've been bust covering new ground. As always thank you for getting me and responding in kind. I have many more tales to share so bear with me in the near future. When I travel I try to see the world thru different eyes than I normally have.....
